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Online Donations

If you would like to make a donation to the Society then please click here to go to our People's Fundraising website

Contact Us


If you wish to contact the Civic Society or offer your help with our projects or activities then either:
Write to the Civic Society:
The Secretary,
Addingham Civic Society,
9 Main Street, Addingham, LS29 0PD
or send us an email using the form below:

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Introduction to Addingham Civic Society

A Powerpoint presentation displayed as a video describing how the society began, what we do and what we hope to do in the future (approximately 11 minutes long)

Please click here to see the Autumn 2024 Village Newsletter

Welcome to the Addingham Civic Society Website

We were established in 1978 and from a relatively small membership quickly grew to 260 in 1987 and over the following years continued to grow to the point that our membership now stands at 389 (August 2023). This figure represents over 10% of the total population of our village. We are a Registered Charity and currently have a board of 15 Trustees which includes 4 Officers consisting of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. We meet monthly to conduct Society business. Within our structure the Society has a number of sub committees who are able to focus and specialise on a range of activities and projects. Finance, Planning, Heritage and our Environment Group are 4 such examples. We have very close links with the many Organisations and Clubs in the Village and we work closely with Bradford Council, the Parish Council, our Member of Parliament and other external bodies. It is not coincidental that one of our important objectives is to work with, support and promote the many other village organisations.

If you wish to join the Society then please download our New Members Booklet and then go to our Join Us page.

The Society is an active member of the Yorkshire & Humberside Association of Civic Societies (YHACS), which is the regional body representing 38 member Societies.


Yorkshire and Humberside Association of Civic Societies (YHACS)

YHACS on the other hand is a regional organisation of 38 Societies and was established in 1999 to act as a representative and support organisation for Civic and amenity societies across the region. Its' focus is on helping to improve the built and natural environments through good design, architecture and planning whilst at the same time respecting our heritage.

To read the YHACS Winter 2024 Newsletter click here

To learn more about YHACS click here


Meet the Trustees, our President and Vice President

So, no excuses the next time you see any of us out and about please say hello…. !

Gill Batterbee

Gill Battarbee - Chair

Roger Seddon

Roger Seddon - Vice Chair

Pat Weatherill

Pat Weatherill - Village Newsletter

Ian Cameron

Ian Cameron - Heritage Group

Malcolm Keeble

Malcolm Keeble - Planning

Seamus Bloomer

Seamus Bloomer - Hon Treasurer

Jayne Hood

Jayne Hood - Speakers

Jane Welby

Jane Welby - Secretary

Don Barrett

Don Barrett - President

Gary Copping

Gary Copping - Website & IT Support

Chris Ensor

Chris Ensor - Publications

Stephen Noblett

Stephen Noblett - Social Media

Jonathan White

Jonathan White - Vice President

Margaret Keating

Margaret Keating - Membership

Richard Walton

Richard Walton - CAA and Parish Council Liaison