Members Programme 2025
All Thursday evenings @ 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall (unless stated)
Open to Members (free) and Non-members (£3.00 pay on the door)
Thursday 17th April – The Fewston Washburn Assemblage – Sally Robinson
This is a collaboration of commercial archaeologists and academics from the Universities of Durham and York and volunteers from the Washburn Heritage Centre.
The project began in 2009 when graves had to be moved for the building of the Centre.
Sally will share with you some of the interesting findings of the project.
Thursday 15th May - AGM followed by Tales of a Yorkshire Tour Guide - Tim Barber
Thursday 19th June - Dickensian Yorkshire - Gillian Waters
Thursday 17th July - Addingham Bird Watch - Tim Acomb
No Members Meeting August
Thursday 18th September - Addingham Heritage Group
Thursday 16th October - An Auction of Promises
Thursday 20th November - Weeds glorious weeds: the secret of survival - Ian Brand
No Members Meeting December