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If you wish to contact the Civic Society or offer your help with our projects or activities then either:
Write to the Civic Society:
The Secretary,
Addingham Civic Society,
9 Main Street, Addingham, LS29 0PD
or send us an email using the form below:

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Planning Major Documents

2024 Government Consultation on proposals to modify the “National Planning Policy Framework" (NPPF)

Click here to view the National Planning Policy Framework

Click here to view the Proposed Reforms

Click here to view the Societies Response to the NPPF Consultation

Bradford District Draft Local Plan 2020-38 Preferred Options Consultation - Response by Addingham Civic Society


Addingham Civic Society (ACS) welcomes many of the overarching policies contained in the Preferred Options Draft. However policies are valueless unless they translate through to, and form the basis of individual settlement plans. ACS has demonstrated this is simply not the case for Addingham and has presented evidence to substantiate it.

Bradford’s Draft Local Plan does not respect the village’s very sensitive environmental setting, its “Local Service Centre” status within the Plan Settlement Hierarchy, nor does it adhere to key elements of Addingham’s approved Neighbourhood Plan (adopted 2020). There is no specific evidence offered in support of the latest increase in the housing target from 75 to an unsustainable 175 for the Plan period to 2038.

To address these issues the Housing Requirement for the village needs to be reduced back to 75 dwellings for the duration of the Plan through to 2038. As stipulated in the adopted Neighbourhood Plan, development should be achieved utilising carefully selected small sites with least environmental impact. Site AD/5H should be turned into a nature reserve; the Society proposes a new brownfield site for housing, within the Green Belt but with outline planning consent for a motel. A combination of sites AD1/H, AD2/H, AD6/H and AD8/H together with the “Motel Site” can provide 78 houses and minimise environmental impact, preserve important Green Spaces, whilst minimising loss to Green Belt.

Sites AD3/H, AD4/H and AD7H have been excluded from consideration – they are unacceptable for development owing to the permanent adverse impact they would inflict on the village.

The on-going repercussions of Covid 19 will provide an increase in the number of new housing units in towns and cities within 5 years, reducing the need for Green Belt release.

Future housing development aspirations for Addingham, beyond 2038, must be scaled back to avoid irreversible damage to the village’s vitally important built heritage, landscape setting and ecosystems.

To read the full document please click here

Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood PlanThis Plan is a very important document and is an integral part of Bradford Councils Planning process. In other words the Council as our Planning Authority must take this Plan into account when it considers Planning Applications in the Parish of Addingham. It sets out policies that include housing design, protecting biodiversity and the character of the Village as well as making the area more resilient to the impact of Climate Change.
The Civic Society worked with our Parish Council on the Plan since 2013. It finally reached referendum stage on the 28th of Nov 2019 when 93% of the Village residents voted in favour of it being formally adopted. That took place in Jan 2020.
If you want to learn more about our Plan then click here where you will be directed to Bradford Councils own website.
If you want to know more about the background to the Plan and all the various stages then click here.

ACS Response to Government Planning Consultation August 2020

To view the whole Government consultation document of 84 pages click the link below

MHCLG Planning Consultation Document 

To view the ACS overview of the consultation document click the link below

ACS Planning Consultation Commentary Oct 2020 

To view the ACS replies to the Planning White Paper questions click the link below

ACS Planning White Paper Response to Questions Oct 2020