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If you would like to make a donation to the Society then please click here to go to our People's Fundraising website

Contact Us


If you wish to contact the Civic Society or offer your help with our projects or activities then either:
Write to the Civic Society:
The Secretary,
Addingham Civic Society,
9 Main Street, Addingham, LS29 0PD
or send us an email using the form below:

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Members Programme 2025

All Thursday evenings @ 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall (unless stated)

Open to Members (free) and Non-members (£3.00 pay on the door)

Thursday 20th March – Denton Hall: Part 2

Join Nick Bailey and Sarah DeNurtcheylo from Denton Hall to hear

“The Story so Far” and “Looking to the Future”

They will be telling us more about the Denton Reserve, its land management and how it is seeking to be an exemplary model that’s better for people and planet.
We’ll hear about the story so far, the opportunity, the vision, the intentions and the constraints.

After the coffee break, they will be looking at the coming 25 years, considering opportunities for local engagement, asking
for feedback, ideas and possibilities and answering questions.

Thursday 17th April – The Washburn Assemblage – Sally Robinson

Thursday 15th May - AGM followed by Tales of a Yorkshire Tour Guide - Tim Barber

Thursday 19th June - Dickensian Yorkshire - Gillian Waters

Thursday 17th July - Addingham Bird Watch - Tim Acomb

No Members Meeting August

Thursday 18th September - Addingham Heritage Group

Thursday 16th October - An Auction of Promises

Thursday 20th November - Weeds glorious weeds: the secret of survival - Ian Brand

No Members Meeting December